@article{Article_2011_PRC_TitarenkoBatyaevEtAl_064612, author = {Titarenko, Yury E. and Batyaev, Vyacheslav F. and Butko, M. A. and Dikarev, D. V. and Florya, S. N. and Pavlov, K. V. and Titarenko, A. Yury and Tikhonov, R. S. and Zhivun, Valery M. and Ignatyuk, Anatoly V. and Mashnik, Stepan Georgievich and Boudard, A. and Leray, Sylvie and David, Jean-Christophe and Cugnon, David J. and Mancusi, D. and Yariv, Y. and Kumawat, H. and Nishihara, K. and Matsuda, N. and Mank, G. and Gudowski, Waclaw}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevC.84.064612}, journal = {Physical Review C}, month = {December}, note = {{Los Alamos National Laboratory Tech. Rep. LA-UR-11-02704}}, number = {6}, pages = {064612}, title = {{Verification of High-energy Transport Codes on the Basis of Activation Data}}, url = {https://journals.aps.org/prc/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevC.84.064612}, volume = {84}, year = {2011} }