@article{Article_2014_NT_ConlinParsonsEtAl_218--227, author = {Conlin, Jeremy Lloyd and Parsons, Donald Kent and Gardiner, Steven J. and Gray, Mark G. and Kahler, III, Albert Comstock and Lee, Mary Beth and White, Morgan Curtis}, doi = {10.13182/NT13-153}, journal = {Nuclear Technology}, month = {November}, note = {{Los Alamos National Laboratory Tech. Rep. LA-UR-13-26742}}, number = {2}, pages = {218--227}, title = {{Verification and Validation of the ENDF/B-VII.1-based Continuous-energy Data Tables for MCNP6}}, url = {https://ans.org/pubs/journals/nt/a_36234}, volume = {188}, year = {2014} }