@article{Article_2015_NSaE_KiedrowskiBrownEtAl_17--47, author = {Kiedrowski, Brian Christopher and Brown, Forrest Brooks and Conlin, Jeremy Lloyd and Favorite, Jeffrey A. and Kahler, III, Albert Comstock and Kersting, Alyssa Rae and Parsons, Donald Kent and Walker, Jessie Lee}, doi = {10.13182/NSE14-99}, journal = {Nuclear Science and Engineering}, month = {September}, note = {{Los Alamos National Laboratory Tech. Rep. LA-UR-14-26558}}, number = {1}, pages = {17--47}, title = {{Whisper: Sensitivity/Uncertainty-based Computational Methods and Software for Determining Baseline Upper Subcritical Limits}}, url = {https://ans.org/pubs/journals/nse/a_37489}, volume = {181}, year = {2015} }