@article{Article_2021_NT_HutchinsonAlwinEtAl_S62--S80, author = {Hutchinson, Jesson D. and Alwin, Jennifer Louise and McSpaden, Alexander Thomas and Myers, William L. and Rising, Michael Evan and Sanchez, Rene G.}, doi = {10.1080/00295450.2021.1908076}, journal = {Nuclear Technology}, month = {December}, note = {{Los Alamos National Laboratory Tech. Rep. LA-UR-21-20901}}, number = {1S}, pages = {S62--S80}, title = {{Criticality Experiments with Fast \textsuperscript{235}U and \textsuperscript{239}Pu Metal and Hydride Systems During the Manhattan Project}}, url = {https://ans.org/pubs/journals/nt/a_50361}, volume = {207}, year = {2021} }