@inproceedings{Proceedings_2004_BrownSweezyEtAl, address = {Chicago, IL, USA. April 25--29}, author = {Forrest B. Brown and Jeremy E. Sweezy and Robert B. Hayes}, booktitle = {Proceedings of PHYSOR 2004---The Physics of Fuel Cycles and Advanced Nuclear Systems: Global Developments}, note = {{Los Alamos National Laboratory Tech. Rep. LA-UR-04-0499 (Paper) and Los Alamos National Laboratory Tech. Rep. LA-UR-04-2506 (Presentation)}}, title = {{Monte Carlo Parameter Studies and Uncertainty Analyses with MCNP5}}, url = {https://www.osti.gov/biblio/977428-monte-carlo-parameter-studies-uncertainty-analyses-mcnp5}, year = {2004} }