@inproceedings{Proceedings_2017_PoSISoRD_KuleszaMartz_437--445, address = {Santa Fe, NM, USA}, author = {Kulesza, Joel Aaron and Martz, Roger Lee}, booktitle = {Proceedings of Sixteenth International Symposium on Reactor Dosimetry}, doi = {10.1520/STP160820170041}, editor = {Sparks, Mary Helen and DePriest, K. Russell and Vehar, David W.}, month = {May}, organization = {ASTM International}, pages = {437--445}, publisher = {ASTM International}, title = {{Evaluation of the Pool Critical Assembly Benchmark with Explicitly Modeled Geometry Using MCNP6's Unstructured Mesh Capabilities}}, url = {https://www.astm.org/stp160820170041.html}, volume = {STP 1608}, year = {2017} }