@techreport{TechReport_2001_LANL_LA-UR-01-1494_MashnikChadwickEtAl, address = {Los Alamos, NM, USA}, author = {Mashnik, Stepan Georgievich and Chadwick, Mark Benjamin and Hughes, III, Henry Grady and Pitcher, Eric J. and Prael, Richard Edward and Vieira, David J. and Waters, Laurie S. and Wilson, William B.}, institution = {Los Alamos National Laboratory}, number = {LA-UR-01-1494}, title = {{Nuclear Reaction Modeling for RIA ISOL Target Design}}, url = {http://permalink.lanl.gov/object/tr?what=info:lanl-repo/lareport/LA-UR-01-1494}, year = {2001} }