@techreport{TechReport_2002_LANL_LA-UR-02-0888_CoxAbholdEtAl, address = {Los Alamos, NM, USA}, author = {Cox, Lawrence James and Abhold, Hilary M. and Archer, Billy J. and Aubrey, David L. and Giesler, Gregg Carl and Hoffman, Nelson M. and Koch, Kenneth R. and Lee, Stephen R. and Parker, Jonathan and Peterson, Maysa-Maria and Pyun, Jungjo and Robey, Robert W. and Weeks, Daniel D. and Kindel, Joseph M. and Tubbs, David L.}, institution = {Los Alamos National Laboratory}, number = {LA-UR-02-0888}, title = {{LANL ASCI Software Engineering Requirements}}, url = {http://permalink.lanl.gov/object/tr?what=info:lanl-repo/lareport/LA-UR-02-0888}, year = {2002} }