@techreport{TechReport_2005_LANL_X-5-RNU05-11LA-UR-05-2686_MashnikSierkEtAl, address = {Los Alamos, NM, USA}, author = {Mashnik, Stepan Georgievich and Sierk, Arnold John and Gudima, Konstantin K. and Baznat, Mircea I. and Prael, Richard Edward and Mokhov, Nikolai V.}, institution = {Los Alamos National Laboratory}, number = {X-5-RN(U)05-11/LA-UR-05-2686}, title = {{CEM03.01 and LAQGSM03.01 Versions of the Improved Cascade-exciton Model (CEM) And Los Alamos Quark-Gluon String Model (LAQGSM) Codes}}, type = {Research Note}, year = {2005} }