@techreport{TechReport_2018_LANL_LA-UR-18-20808_WernerBullEtAl, address = {Los Alamos, NM, USA}, author = {Werner, Christopher John and Bull, Jeffrey S. and Solomon, Jr., Clell Jeffrey and Brown, Forrest Brooks and McKinney, Gregg Walter and Rising, Michael Evan and Dixon, David A. and Martz, Roger Lee and Hughes, III, Henry Grady and Cox, Lawrence James and Zukaitis, Anthony J. and Armstrong, Jerawan Chudoung and Forster, III, Robert Arthur and Casswell, Laura}, institution = {Los Alamos National Laboratory}, number = {LA-UR-18-20808}, title = {{MCNP Version 6.2 Release Notes}}, url = {http://permalink.lanl.gov/object/tr?what=info:lanl-repo/lareport/LA-UR-18-20808}, year = {2018} }