@techreport{TechReport_2011_LANL_LA-UR-11-02295_PelowitzDurkeeEtAl, address = {Los Alamos, NM, USA}, author = {Pelowitz, Denise B. and Durkee, Jr., Joe W. and Elson, Jay Samuel and Fensin, Michael Lorne and Hendricks, John S. and James, Michael R. and Johns, Russell Craig and McKinney, Gregg Walter and Mashnik, Stepan Georgievich and Waters, Laurie S. and Wilcox, Trevor A. and Verbeke, Jerome M.}, institution = {Los Alamos National Laboratory}, number = {LA-UR-11-02295}, title = {{MCNPX 2.7.0 Extensions}}, url = {http://permalink.lanl.gov/object/tr?what=info:lanl-repo/lareport/LA-UR-11-02295}, year = {2011} }