User Forum
The MCNP Forum is an online discussion platform for users and developers to ask questions and share information.
Access to the MCNP User Forum requires having a licensed copy of the MCNP software. Please see this page for how to obtain an MCNP software license. Once you have a license, please proceed to following the steps below.
Joining the MCNP Forum
To join the MCNP Forum:
- Navigate to the MCNP Forum webpage
- Click the "Sign Up" button
- Supply your user name and your full name and email associated with your MCNP license in the appropriate boxes
- Your user name can be used for "@username" mentions on the message boards
- You should soon after receive an email with a confirmation link
- Click the confirmation link, and a forum administrator will review your request to join and may follow-up for additional information to confirm your MCNP license details
Tips for Posting a "good" Forum Message
Because support via the MCNP Forum is provided on a "best-effort" basis, the following are tips that may help prompt answers and/or discussion on MCNP Forum questions.
If asking a question:
- Provide a minimal example input file that motivates the question. Doing so will save those interested in responding from having to start of scratch and guess what you are trying to do. If asking how to do something, this is an excellent opportunity to demonstrate what you've tried (in an organized manner).
- Identify the operating system, version of the MCNP code, and any special compilation and execution options you're using.